How to get your phone number to work on imessage
How to get your phone number to work on imessage

how to get your phone number to work on imessage

To unpin a thread, hold down on the circle of the person you want to unpin and select unpin. Your message thread with this person will appear in a circle at the top. Open the Messages app > Press and hold on the message thread of the person you want to pin > Tap pin.

how to get your phone number to work on imessage

Pin your most popular messages to the top This trick also works to get you back to your most recent message threads if you have scrolled down. Open the Messages app > Tap on the message thread of the person you want to see the first iMessage sent from > Tap on the time stamp at the top of your display and you'll be taken to the first message.

how to get your phone number to work on imessage

How to jump to the first message on iMessage Open the Messages app > Tap on the message thread of the person you want to turn read receipts off for > Tap on the contact name at the top of the message thread > Scroll down and toggle off 'Send Read Receipts'. How to turn off read receipts for a particular contact on iMessage Your message will appear with the original message above it. Open the Messages app > Open the message thread of the person with the message you want to specifically reply to > Press and hold on the message you want to specifically reply to > Tap on Reply > Enter your message > Press send. Our top seven best iMessage tricks How to reply to a particular message

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  • Pocket-Lint Recommendations: Fire TV Stick.

  • How to get your phone number to work on imessage